First Name: Kevina
Surname: Williams

Age: 31-40
Ethnicity: Black
Location: London
Accent: London
Height: 5ft4inch
Weight: 80kg
Shoe Size: 7.5
Hair Color: Black
Eye Colour: Brown
Waist: 34es
Bust: 36C (37es)
Hips: 43es
Drivers License: Yes

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  • searchCredits 5
    Year Type Production Name Role Type Role
    2022 Made in Chelsea Made in Chelsea TV Extra Background artist
    2022 Television The Greatest Auction TV Extra Audience member
    2019 Stage/Theatre DMS Fusion of Music and Dance Singer Choir Director/Singer
    2019 Stage/Theatre You Raise me Up Karl Loxley Concert Singer Choir Director/Singer
    2018 Shakespeare & Hathaway: Outrageous Fortune Shakespeare & Hathaway: Outrageous Fortune Singer/Actor Choir Director/Singer
  • searchVideos 2

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